Technology, application, and metrology of directed energy weapons
Nicholas Paulter
National Institute of Standards and Technology, US
Pasquale Daponte
University of Sannio, Italy
This special session focused on the application and technology of directed energy weapons, from personnel/crowd control to the destruction of enemy assets. The applications will range from crowd control to destruction of enemy assets. The presentations will be followed by a roundtable discussion.
Nicholas Paulter is with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD USA. He develops and oversees metrology programs related to a variety of threat-detection and trauma-mitigation technologies. He is an IEEE Fellow.
Pasquale Daponte was born in Minori (SA), Italy, on March 7, 1957. He obtained his bachelor's degree and master's degree "cum laude" in Electrical Engineering in 1981 from University of Naples, Italy. He is Full Professor of Electronic Measurements at University of Sannio - Benevento. He is Past Chair of the Italian Association on Electrical and Electronic Measurements, and Past President of IMEKO. He is member of: Working Group of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technical Committee N°10 Subcommittee of the Waveform Measurements and Analysis Committee, IMEKO Technical Committee TC-4 “Measurements of Electrical Quantities”, Editorial Board of Measurement Journal, Acta IMEKO and of Sensors. He is Associate Editor of IET Science Measurement & Technology Journal. He is member of the Board of Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Naples Charter. He has organised some national or international meetings in the field of Electronic Measurements and European co-operation.